Jungfrau, 2001/07/21 English comment on the bottom of this page

1998年冬、Ehret社での仕事を終え、フライブルグからミラノ行きのインターシティエクスプレスに乗り、オルテンで乗り換え、インターラーケン経由でウェンゲンに行った。楽しい鉄道旅であったが、目的は、アイガー、ユングフラウ、メンヒを見ながらメンリッヘンからグンデルワルトまで滑るという挑戦をする為であった。宿泊は、その街の最も著名なホテルのひとつであるHotel Regina Wengenであった。スキーが目的なので、ホテル到着後すぐにレンタルショップへ行き、用具を担いでホテルに戻ったので、夕景のベルナーオーバーランド三山はを見る機会はなかった。
翌朝は、カメラ等の入ったザックを背負ってのスキーとなったが、初心者の私には厳しい条件ではあった。 しかしメンリッヘンのバーンを何本か滑って、アイガーを横に見てグリンデルワルトまで滑るという念願の長距離滑降が出来て充分に満足した。午後は、アイガー、メンヒ、ユウグフラウが眼前に迫る、ラウバーホルン(FISワールドカップスキーの滑降で非常に著名なコース)のレストランのベランダで夕刻まで、ワインと読書で過ごした。酒が入ってしまったので、勿論帰りはクライネシャイデッグ駅より電車でウェンゲン駅まで戻った。翌朝ホテルを離れチューリッヒまで列車移動し、空路帰国した。

It was before I had a DSLR camera, that is, when I played with cameras. I was an agent of a partial psa label manufacturing system from Ehret, Germany, which made psa labels from raw material and incorporated them into continuous business forms. The company was located in Freiburg, almost southern end of Germany, and it is easy for us to enter Switzerland via Basel.
In the winter of 1998, after I finished the work at Freiburg, we took the Inter City Express from Freiburg to Milan, changed the train at Olten then headed to Wengen via Interlaken. It was an enjoyable rail trip, but it was my main purpose to try the challenge of skiing from Mannlichen to Grindelwald, seeing Eiger, Jungfrau and Mönch. Accommodation was at Hotel Regina Wengen, one of the city’s most prominent hotels. I went to the rental shop shortly after arriving at the hotel, and returned to the hotel with my gear, so I had no chance to see Berner Oberland three mountains in the evening view.
The next morning, I skied on a backpack with a camera, etc., which was a severe condition for me, a beginner. However, I was satisfied with the long-distance descent looking sideways at Eiger to Grindelwald after I skied a few times of Männlichen barn. I spent the afternoon with reading books brought from Japan also with some wine on the veranda of the restaurant at Lauberhorn “a very famous course for downhill FIS World Cup skiing”, where Eiger, Mönch and Jungfrau stand just in front of me. On the way back, we had to return to Wengen by train from Kleine Scheidegg station. The next morning, I left the hotel and travelled to Zurich by train and returned home by air.
Town magazine, which I got to know the city of Wengen on the first day, was perfect for ski rental and checking the location of cable cars, but I was fascinated by the photo of Jungfrau on the throughout from the cover to the back cover, which glows in remarkable red by the setting sun. When I saw the town magazine that I brought back after returning home, I felt strongly that at the next time I had to take the exact same picture myself instead of skiing.
Since my role is importing printing machines and its peripherals and my trip to Europe should be a business priority itinerary, I had no chance to visit, but three years later, in July 2001 I was able to go to Wengen.
After arriving at the same hotel in Wengen in the afternoon, I walked around the city and searched for the same frame angle in the previous town magazine, but fortunately found that almost the same shot could be taken from the hotel’s garden.
As seen in Town Magazine, and as shown in this photo, the timing of both the sun set on Jungfrau and the time to cast a shadow on the left side of the Silverhorn below the west side of Jungfrau, is completely coincided with the dinner time specified by the hotel. I have. I set my tripod in the garden, and took the table on the door side of the garden. This table is our private seat for breakfast and dinner after the first day of stay. Dinner began, we started with wine, and around the time the appetizer was served, Jungfrau began to turn pink. I left the table, went out into the garden, adjusted the camera settings that I decided on the shooting frame, and pressed the shutters for 10 times shoot. After leaving the table for about 15 minutes, the hotel did not look bad at all and provided us with a continuation of the dinner.
On the next day I woke up before dawn and looked at Jungfrau from the veranda of my room. Without courage that I go down to the garden where I took pictures at the night before without brushing the teeth and untidy hair, I set my tripod on a narrow veranda with only one leg and the other two in the room and waited for the sun to arrive. I took several pictures at the time when the morning sun hit Silverhorn below Jungfrau and I felt it very good. I knew the angle and the frame is not the same as the last evening view of Jungfrau, but the morning in Jungfrau and the surrounding area was also wonderful.
It was in the age of film cameras, and I was worried about that I could took photos as what I had wanted until I returned to Japan. Fortunately, Jungfrau in the setting the sun was very satisfied for me as an amateur photographer. I think that photography is a combination of chance that cuts out the time and space that was there and a small technique.