今日の1枚:2020/03/12 映画 ミッドナイト イン パリ

パリの初歩的な観光案内をするような映像作りであり、パリの主要な場所を殆どを網羅されていた。映画の題名は、「ミッドナイト イン パリ」。
路地の名は、当然のように「 サンテティエンヌ・デュ・モン 通り」。夜明け前なので色温度も結構低いので青っぽい。
パリで買った800頁近くあるアジェの写真本のP354 では犬が入っているが、その画角を意識して撮影した。
モンターニュ サント ジュヌビエーブ通りから見たサンテチェンヌデュモン教会。
ヘミングウェイ一家に滞在していた近辺のカルディナール ルモワール通りを通り、コントレスカルプ広場を廻ってから、

Today, I would like to add to my blog “Pantheon and Saint Etienne du Mont”, which was listed on Facebook on March 4th. A few years ago, on the way back home from Montreal, a film I saw on a plane showed a stone staircase on the left side of the church’s west main gate, the northern gate. Immediately it was identified as it was Saint Etienne du Mont Church. The staircase is where the aspiring writer who came to Paris on a trip from the United States returned to his hotel on foot after eating at a fine restaurant, lost his way, and sat down there. At midnight, the church bell rings directly above. Peugeot stopped in front of him. He was invited and boarded, and had already slipped back to Paris in the 1920s. It was a story of coloring the 20’s and meeting with some of the most renowned artists and novelists in modern times. The film’s ending proved that it was written and directed Mr. Woody Allen. The film was designed to give a rudimentary tourist guide to Paris, while allowing artists of the 1920s to speak his own words, covering almost all the major places in Paris. The title of the movie is “Midnight in Paris”.
The first picture today is the staircase in the movie, but I aimed at a narrow alley on the left side of the church. The name of the alley is ” Saint Etienne du Mont Street”, as expected. It is bluish because the color temperature is quite low before dawn. The dog was photographed in a photograph of 354 pages of the book of nearly 800 pages of Aget which I bought in Paris before, but I was conscious of the angle of view. The second picture is the church of Saint Etienne du Mont , viewed from Avenue Montagne Sainte Genevieve, where the Peugeot of the 1920s, which is the entrance to the time slip in the movie, rises at midnight. The third is the first of these three. This is one of the photos I take whenever walking from the hotel to the Pantheon side. On this day, I passed from the Pantheon through the ruins of Philippe Auguste, on Clovis street on the right side of the church. When Mr. Ernest Hemingway wrote “A Moveable Feast,” he stayed nearby Cardinal-Lemoine with his family, and I passed Place Contrescarpe. Then, I took the second and first photos of today.

モンターニュ サント ジュヌビエーブ通り: 1枚毛の写真は、この突き当りの階段。